We Must Do Something!

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 15, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

“No man or woman can sit idly by with folded hands and witness with indifference the great tragedy that shall make history, unmake nations, and remake the map of the world.” This quote sounds like it could have been written during these recent days, but Mary Hill Davis said it in 1917. It’s a wakeup call!

The Week of Prayer for Texas Missions and the Mary Hill Davis Offering® should be a great reminder of the vast needs in our state and the opportunities that we must meet needs and share Christ. We cannot afford to continue to be idle and not do what we are called to do for Christ. People are hurting all around our state. They are physically and spiritually hurting, so what will it take for all our 5,000+ churches in Texas to wake up and realize the needs around us at home? If we don’t do something, who will?

Some of the needs have been highlighted in the prayer guide/cards for the Week of Prayer:

  • The need for Christians to become involved in fostering children so they might have a chance to experience and hear of God’s love for them.
  • The need of reaching the “up and outers” who may think they don’t have time for church or have been so wrapped up in their own world that they’ve put off following the Lord’s call to follow Him.
  • To help our church leaders know that what they do is important to the Kingdom and that church members will be faithful to their church as the Lord would call them to be.
  • Every part of Texas could benefit from Community Care…the needs are vast and there are many ways we can help right where we live. Children, single parents, the elderly, those with addictions, the homeless, the unemployed, refugees, those struggling with mental health issues, and more…

The King will reply, “I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” These words of Christ in Matthew 25:40 tell us that it is important to minister to those in need. It may not be easy or convenient, but Christ has given us our “marching orders” to not be idle but to be His hands, feet, and voice to our hurting state.

Written by WMU of Texas President Earl Ann Bumpus

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