Reflections from the 2021 Women’s Build

by Earl Ann Bumpus on October 28, 2021 in Blog

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1

This verse really came to life for me this past week as I was able to be a part of the 11th annual Women’s Build in South Texas through WMU of Texas. It all happens because of the gifts you give to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions! WMU of Texas partners with Buckner International to build a house for a family near the southern Texas border. Most of the previous builds have been in Penitas, Texas, but this home is in Mission, Texas, and what an amazing ministry this is!

Behind the Scenes:

Much happens before a stick of wood ever reaches the property. Buckner works with the families in the area through the Family Hope Center in Penitas, offering classes for personal growth as well as practical equipping skills to build strong families. Then, the families help build a house for a family in the area…“sweat equity” as some call it. Families must purchase their own property to receive a home. The stories of these families and how many have come to know the Lord are inspiring!

How You are Involved:

Through your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions, materials are purchased to build the house. Two teams of women spend a week in October to build the house. Yes, women! Trucks pulling trailers full of power tools and supplies and women working together is an amazing sight.

You might consider joining the October 2022 Women’s Build to help build a home for another family. It takes all of us working together, many giving to the offering, women giving of their time, energy, and expertise. All working together to be the hands and feet of the Lord. You can truly see the Lord at work, building each home through His willing servants.

On-site Insight:

What a way to see the love of Christ in action, making a difference in the life of a family. The passion for a family to have a house is real. But with Christ, this building is so much more than a house. It is a HOME. A place to raise a family. It provides a ministry base for reaching the community in unique ways. It provides a place where memories are made and gives the community an opportunity to come together and help others.

I am thankful for the women who have been a part of the past eleven years of the Women’s Build. Their patience, dedication, and skills are amazing. They are such great teachers, and they allowed everyone on-site to be a part of the experience.

Seeing how God brought us all together with varying levels of skills and abilities to make a difference in the lives of a family, the neighborhood, and the community is something I’ll never forget. The Lord truly built this house!

Read more articles in: Blog, WMU Devotionals


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