We Have a Story to Tell

by Earl Ann Bumpus on July 28, 2021 in Blog

I woke up this morning with this song, We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations, in my head. What a great missions hymn it is and one that, unfortunately, isn’t sung much these days in our churches. But it is so appropriate for what’s going on in our world today. We DO have a story to tell, and we need to hurry and tell it more, everywhere we go!

Matthew 24:4-14 shares a lot that parallels today’s world situation. Just listening to the news will affirm that for sure!! Because of all the increased wickedness around us, all the more reason why we need to be about sharing Christ’s love!

Who? Us! We have so much to share about the Good News of Jesus Christ! We don’t need to keep it a secret but share it and live it 24/7.

What? John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Now that is love and a wonderful promise He has for anyone who believes! The story we share is one of truth and mercy, a story of peace and light.

Where? To the nations. Oscar Thompson’s book, Concentric Circles of Concern, shows us how to begin with the closest to us and go out from there.

When? NOW! There is an urgency to share Christ before it’s too late!

Why? So they will turn their hearts to the right and follow Him. We are commanded to as we read Matthew 28:19-20! He commands us to "go and make disciples" and He gives us great encouragement … that He will be with you always!

How? Our missionaries are at work sharing Christ around the world 24/7 and we need to be sure to support them through prayer (the Missions Mosaic is a great source to help us pray systematically throughout the year, on their birthday), through giving (as we give our tithes and offerings through our church's mission giving), and by going (as an individual in your daily life or on mission trips).

It is just about the time of year where we focus on Texas Missions…Let us begin our plans to reach our own state for Christ because We have a story to tell and it needs telling, beginning right at home.

Read more articles in: Blog, WMU Devotionals


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