Articles by Ruth Mendoza

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Acción Misionera para el Cinco de Mayo

by Ruth Mendoza on May 5, 2023 in Blog

¿Ha considerado dirigir una actividad de alcance evangelístico el Cinco de Mayo en su comunidad? Tres ideas para alcanzar a la comunidad en este día festivo.

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Being on Mission on Cinco de Mayo

by Ruth Mendoza on May 5, 2023 in Blog

Have you considered leading an outreach activity on Cinco de Mayo in your community? Here are three ideas on how to reach your community on this festive day.

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Why Hispanic Heritage Month is Important to Christians

by Ruth Mendoza on October 14, 2021 in Blog

It is during this time of the year that many Hispanics think about their freedom and independence as well as life after death. As Christians, we have the responsibility of presenting Jesus as the only way, truth, and life and as the only access we have to our Heavenly Father.

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