Articles by Jackie Faughn

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Coffee & Tea: A Disciple-Making Tool?

by Jackie Faughn on July 16, 2024 in Blog

Meeting a friend in a common place for the purpose of sharing a beverage along with meaningful conversation can be the beginning of a disciple-making relationship. 

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Rethinking Thinking

by Jackie Faughn on February 20, 2024 in Blog

We're able to rethink our wardrobe when trends change, but we naturally resist moving away from comfortable opinions and systems. This year, let's explore and expand beyond the comfortable.

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My Word for 2024 is Anticipation

by Jackie Faughn on January 18, 2024 in Blog

What are you anticipating this year? What are you getting ready for that you may not know all the intricated pieces that need to come together?

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