Register Your WMU of Texas Group

Note: This form may also be used to update your WMU group record.

We want to stay connected with you as you make disciples who make disciples. By registering your WMU group, you will not only receive resources and promotional materials from the state office, but you'll also receive exclusive updates about the ministries of WMU and the Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions.

You may contact us at (214) 828-5150 or wmutx[at] with any questions.

WMU Group Information:

Select all that apply.
Describe your WMU group.
Share the leader's name for each group selected above. Ex: Jane Smith (GA), Bob Jones (Challengers)

Thank you for registering your WMU group. A WMU of Texas team member will be in contact with you soon.

©2025 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.