Your Mary Hill Davis Offering Gifts At Work in Columbia

by Guest Author on January 12, 2021 in WMU of Texas Blog

"God calls every single one of us to believe in Him and share the act of love He did through Jesus Christ our Savior."

Your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering provide students serving through Baptist Student Ministries, opportunities to share the Gospel with others not only in Texas, but around the world.

As a Go Now Missionary serving with the homeless in Colombia, I was touched by the fact that God is still at work even during some of the lowest moments in life. This experience helped reconfirm to me that Jesus is the only Savior and the only one who can satisfy the needs of this world.

In the shelter, we received different groups of people almost every day. We provided clothes and a small breakfast. One day a man came to me and told me that we didn’t understand the situation he was going through. What we gave him was not enough because a piece of bread and hot chocolate was the only thing he ate every day. At that moment, I was shocked. I started crying because of the way he said it. He spoke with so much anger and bitterness and made me feel that I was not doing enough at that moment, but also at that moment, the man took a deep breath and told me he was just frustrated because of his current circumstance. Previously, this man had a profession and a good life, but because of the recent crisis in Venezuela, he needed to leave his beloved country and find a better life.

A few days later, he was able to find a small car to carry water to sell to be able to have some money. The first day of work he was very happy and realized that because God helped him find that job, He would help him sell the water as well.

God is working in the life of Venezuelans. God’s power is manifesting to change hearts, from Venezuela to Colombia. He is helping them realize the only thing they need is God and the salvation He gives us through Jesus Christ. Jesus is providing food and jobs for those in need.

My experience this summer has given me a deeper love for people who are difficult and grown my heart for those who do not know Jesus. Many people are searching for hope and purpose in life. I know that God calls every single one of us to believe in Him and share the love of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Written by Karla, student at Dallas Baptist University. Karla served in Columbia in the summer of 2020 through Go Now Missions


How can your church or WMU missions-discipleship group be engaged in this ministry?

  1. Pray for the Go Now Missions student missionaries and the people they are reaching around the world. Visit Go Now Missions' Facebook page for weekly prayer requests. 
  2. Send care packages. Email Brenda Sanders at for a list of semester missionaries. 
  3. Give to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions to provide weekly passes on public transportation, opportunities to share the Gospel with new friends over coffee, and housing for student missionaries. 

This article was originally featured in the 2020 fall/winter edition of the The Bridge magazine - a publication designed to keep you connected to WMU of Texas. Subscribe for a free mailed copy. 

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