How to Start a CWJC/CMJC Site

by Chris Rowley on January 19, 2022 in Blog

Has God called you to lead a Christian Women's or Men's Job Corps site? Take a moment to read the guide below, then contact CWJC/CMJC State Consultant Chris Rowley at (737) 280-8660 or chris.wmutx[at] to get started.

Eight key elements of a CWJC/CMJC site:

  • Evaluation
  • Advisory
  • Council
  • Mentors
  • Bible Study
  • Needs Assessment
  • Networking
  • Covenants
  • Certification as a site

A step-by-step guide to starting a CWJC/CMJC Site: 
Don't forget to pray after each task.

  • Catch and share the vision
  • Pray - individually and corporately
  • Contact State CWJC/CMJC consultant to assist you.
  • Develop leadership team – site coordinator, advisory council
  • Read “What Every Church Member Should Know About Poverty” by Bill Ehlig and Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D. Highlands, Texas, Aha! Process, Inc., 1999.
  • Read “When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor and Yourself” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.
  • Send site coordinator and other leaders to National Certification Training offered by National or State WMU. Register at lplunk[at] for National Certification training.
  • Do a needs assessment of the community – what services are being offered in your community and the needs of residents.
  • Decide on ministry model
    1. Community-based – multiple churches working together
    2. church-based – one church
    3. 501 c 3
  • Set a date for inviting the community to a vision casting meeting
  • Decide on location – church, apartments, strip center
  • Evaluate what needs to be done to get classroom site ready - equipment needed table, chairs, whiteboard, computers. Gather supplies, materials, etc.
  • Decide on classes to be offered, services to be provided, set schedule based on needs assessment.
  • Recruit volunteers – advisory council, teachers, encouragers, prayer leader, general helpers.
  • Train all volunteers… general orientation for teachers, career closet, hospitality, benevolence, mentors.
  • Develop or discover a curriculum for classes to be taught.
  • Develop a budget.
  • Begin developing policies and procedures.
  • Plan a fundraiser and begin contacting churches, individuals, businesses for financial support.
  • Publicize in community, recruit participants.
  • Sign covenants.
  • Celebrate as you begin your ministry.


For more information, contact Chris Rowley, CWJC/CMJC State Consultant at (737) 280-8660 or by email at chris.wmutx[at] To learn more about CWJC/CMJC, visit

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